Local? Order online - we will text when your order is ready to pick up!
Closed Due to Winter Weather
Stitcher's Quest policy for unsafe weather conditions is to close when the local schools deem conditions to be unsafe for buses to be on the roads. Okaloosa County Schools have announced that they will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21 & 22, due to the expected freezing plus parcipitation conditions that are expected. Stitcher's Quest will be closed on January 21 & 22 due to the posibility of unsafe driving conditions.
We plan to see you on Thursday, for our local Shop Hop!
Stay tuned for an important announcement about our Shop Hop specials.
Watch our newsletter for announcement of Stitcher's Quest specials for the Emerald Coast Shop Hop!
Stitcher's Quest is sponsoring two courses through the Center For Lifelong Learning beginning this month!
This is a great way for anyone who is interested in dipping a toe into quilting or machine embroidery to learn the basic skills without a huge investment. BERNINA sewing machines for both classes will be provided for use in our classroom. The registration fee for either 6-week course is only $20 plus a kit fee to be paid at start of course for the materials needed. The Intro to Machine Embroidery class will cover basics of embroidery and attendees will finish several small projects. The Beginning Quilting Projectss class will complete two tablerunners and cover the secrets of cutting, peicing, simple quilting, and binding.
Registation for these classes is through the CLL website CLL of Fort Walton Beach - Course Catalog & Registration Classes
Look for us under the Arts section and share this information with a friend (or two) who may be interested!
Join us February 21 & 22 for a hands-on embroidery event with OESD! We have special pricing for this Winter event!
Attendees will enjoy team embroidering on a top-of-line BERNINA Embroidery Machines provided by Stitcher's Quest.
Goody Bag and Project Kit included.
A light complimentary lunch will be served both days.
This is a BERNINA and OESD sales event and special pricing will be available to attendees during event only.
Limited seating.
See our 2025 classes by clicking here.
Join us to make Grandmother’s Flower Garden!
This is an In-The-Hoop quilt by HoopSisters. It was the HoopSisters Mystery Quilt 2018 (Check out the Cyber Quilt Show on Youtube). We have three 2-day workshops led by Phillippa Jenkins scheduled in February, March, and April of 2025.
Choose your own fabrics. Include the USB to pick up at Stitcher's Quest or download from HoopSisters
Class Dates: Tuesday & Wednesday
February 18 & 19, 2025
March 4 & 5, 2025
April 1 & 2, 2025
Register for Grandmother's Flower Garden class
Kimberbell's Wildflower Mystery Quilt
Join our monthly Kimberbell program for this 30"x48" finished quilt. Registration includes the monthly design file, fabric kit, and the embellishment kit. We have a workshop scheduled each month that is FREE for participants in the mystery quilt (sorry, no make-up classes will be scheduled). First workshop is January 15th, then each month on the second Wednesday for the year. Registration in the monthly subscription for the entire year is required (you will receive all design files for any past months). Once registered, you will be enrolled in each month's free workshop. The design file will be auto-emailed to you each month. We will notify you each month when the fabric kit is ready to be picked up or we will mail if you register to have shipped. The fabrics are Stitcher's Quest choice. Embellishment kit is packaged by Kimberbell in a cute carry bag that is great to store your monthly blocks until ready to assemble into a quilt.
Class dates: Wednesday, January 15, then the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Check out our favorite embroidery designs at OESD, HoopSisters, Meaning of Life Desgins, and SweetPea!
Stitcher's Quest
300 Mary Esther Blvd
Mary Esther, FL 32569