Local? Order online - we will text when your order is ready to pick up!
Call Today (850) 864-4555
Clearance Fabric Bolt Sale - In-Store Only-Closed New Year's Eve & New Year's Day
Whatever is left on bolt $5/yard or $25 (whichever is less)
Take the Whole Bolt - No Cuts on Clearance Fabric
Christmas Fabric Inventory Reduction 50% OFF*
Halloween Fabric Inventory Reduction 50% OFF*
*In-Store Only on Selected Fabric and Excludes WideBack, Panels, Quilt Kits, & Minky. No "holds" for later purchase. 1-yard minimum cuts on Christmas & Halloween.

Wishing you a Wonderful 2022!
CLICK HERE to watch the BERNINA FEET Holiday Video
Store hours for End of Year
Open 10:00-5:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Dec 28,29 & 30
Friday, December 31 - Closed
Saturday, January 1 - Closed
Click on the images to register.

February 11&12, 2022

Pre-Pay reservation for Welcome Home by Anna Maria - a 5-month Easy-Pay Pre-Order
By clicking on the links below to shop at our affiliates, you are helping us to provide continuing education on embroidery and sewing techniques at a reasonable cost. Thank you for your support!

Purchase a SewSteady extension table and save shipping by choosing "Pick Up In Store"