Local? Order online - we will text when your order is ready to pick up!
Call Today (850) 864-4555
Thanksgiving Week Hours

Thanksgiving Week Hours - November 24-27, 2021
Wednesday 10:00 - 3:00 (Closing Early)
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 9:00 - 5:00
Saturday 10:00 - 5:00

Watch for Stitcher's Quest Newsletter on Thanksgiving Day
for complete list of Black Friday Specials!

We have a great variety of classes, events, and BOMs planned... Click on the images to register.

February 11&12, 2022

Mark you calendar to celebrate with us!

Pre-Pay reservation for Welcome Home by Anna Maria - a 5-month Easy-Pay Pre-Order
Wave Pool BOM will be starting in early 2022!
This is a 6 month skill-builder BOM and finishes at 72"x84". Details coming soon....
By clicking on the links below to shop at our affiliates, you are helping us to provide continuing education on embroidery and sewing techniques at a reasonable cost. Thank you for your support!

Purchase a SewSteady extension table and save shipping by choosing "Pick Up In Store"