Local? Order online - we will text when your order is ready to pick up!
Call Today (850) 864-4555
Fabric Sale on Facebook LIVE - Monday at 6 p.m.

Tune in at 6:00 pm CDT on Monday, August 17 to see the stash
and get your favorite fabrics reserved at greatly discounted prices!
Kick off your shoes and sip on your favorite beverage as we showcase these beautiful quilt fabrics.
We're featuring fabrics from Art Gallery, Andover (Allison Glass), Free Spirit, and more!
Shipping is available for our out-of-area customers. Local customers may pick up curbside or in-store.
Follow us on Facebook and link video page HERE.
Current store hours:
Monday-Thursday 10:00-5:00
Friday/Saturday 10:00-4:00