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Bernina Academy - Find Your Sewing Identity - Final Week to Register

Find Your Sewing Identity
Click on photo for more information. Call to Register

BERNINA Academy - Find Your Sewing Identity - March 6 & 7
Final week to register for this amazing class where we will see many of the best features of the BERNINA Top-Of-Line Machines.
Are you searching for the perfect machine to match your Sewing Identity? Let us introduce you to the BERNINA top-of-line machines. BERNINA Educator Sandra Swick will be our presenter for this fabulous weekend exploring the unique features of the BERNINA brand. You will create a technique book for your personal reference. We'll fill it with samples of Rulerwork Quilting, Corded Buttonholes, Mock Trapunto, Sashiko Stitching, create unique Textured Fabric, Felting, and more. SQ will provide the machines, your kit, and door prizes! A light lunch will be served both days. Registration for this event is by phone or in-store only.
Please take a minute to Vote for Stitcher's Quest:
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Click on +Add and type: Stitcher's Quest - Mary Esther, FL

Current Specials:

A $200 value for $122 (in-store only)
The Wafer Lightbox is perfect for much more than just tracing images for applique. Use it for Foundation Paper Pieing, Kaleidoscope cutting, fussy cutting for English Paper Piecing and even taping together clothing patterns. A4 size is Ultra bright, Ultra slim, Ultra light. The Daylight Wafer 1 lightbox is your must have tool for tracing on paper or fabric.

Includes designer & wide, batiks, rayon prints, Minky & Cuddle, and Clearance priced
*from the bolt with 1/2 yard minimum cut, 1 yard minimum cut on Clearance
Fat Quarters 5 for $10
Batik Fat Quarters 5 for $12
Floriani Thread 20% OFF
Isacord Thread 20% OFF
Mettler Thread 20% OFF
Specialty Thread 20% OFF