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Saturday Sampler Club

This Saturday is the beginning of our Saturday Sampler Club! We'll be making 'Scrap Happy' with the beautiful bright fabrics in Amanda Murphy's Free Motion Fantasy collection.
We'll be learning new techniques and sharing our quilting secrets each month. Door prizes are ready and we will give out a Stitcher's Quest Dollar to everyone who gives show-and-tell with a finished project (limit one per person each month). You can join in any month, but why wait when the fun is about to start?!!
The registration package is only $30 and you will need to provide background fabric. Pick up your first block kit (fabric and pattern) on Saturday for $5 and return with your finished block next month to receive your next block kit FREE. Each month you return with the previous month's finished block, you will receive your next block kit FREE. Click here for complete rules and the registration link.