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Short Bolt Sale - Bigger and Better

At Santa Rosa Mall
300 Mary Esther Blvd
Mary Esther, FL 32569
(850) 864-4555
If you've been in this past week, you've seen the tables of short bolts that QT Fabrics has sent us. Today we received another 300 bolts! All new and different! Stop in and shop from over 600 short bolts for a special sale at $6.99/yard! These are new prints in odd yardages - usually 3 to 8 yards - and you must purchase the entire bolt. First here gets best choice and they are available only for a limited time! Any of the bolts that are still here Tuesday, August 13 will be sent back to the QT warehouse after the Evolution presentation.
Don't forget to let us know if you can join us on August 13 to meet our Quilting Treasures representative, Mike Flynn. He will be here to talk with us about the process of creating beautiful fabrics. He's also bringing gifts and door prizes for all attendees, so be sure to let us know if you can come by registering here. This is a FREE event.