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Teen & Young Adult Activities 2017

745 Beal Parkway NW #5
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
(850) 864-4555

T-Shirt - Tuesday, June 6 Class fee $35
PJ's - Wednesday & Thursday, June 14 & 15 Class fee $50
Dress - Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, July 12, 13 & 14 Class fee $75
Students enrolled in the Teen Challenge classes may use our student machines. Please contact the store for approval* if you prefer to bring your own machine. There will be a brief lunch break each day and students may bring a light lunch into classroom.
Class Requirements
Basic sewing supplies - contact store for list or to have a kit prepared.
Pattern**, fabric for your size and thread to match, and supplies listed on pattern.
*Use of your own machine will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. Because of the time constraints of the classes and in order to provide all of our students a productive experience, we require 1) the machine be in excellent working order and 2) the student is familiar with operating the machine. Contact the store for further information.
**The required pattern as well as recommended fabric is available for purchase at Stitcher's Quest. Stitcher's Quest offers a discount for items purchased for a class.