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Call Today (850) 864-4555
Open House - Rescheduled
We've added some new classes, so take a look below....
Winter Hours - We have changed store hours on Fridays only - closing at 4:00 on Friday and Saturday through the winter. We continue to be open 10:00 - 5:30 Monday through Thursday. Stitcher's Quest will be closed November 21-27 for Thanksgiving Week.
We have some fun classes coming up soon:

Learn to make these quick and easy zippered see-through pouches! They have so many uses!
Tuesday, December 6 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Instructor: Vicki Patterson
Cost: $15 plus supplies

Bag of the Month - The Emilia Quilted Bag from Perfect Patchwork Bags
You'll have great fun making this bag, the first of several that Carol will be teaching from the book: Perfect Patchwork Bags.
Monday, December 5 10:30-1:00

Class Registration Website: StitchersQuest.com
Store Hours:Monday - Friday 10:00-5:30
Saturday 10:00-4:00