Coupon Sale - January 18 & 19 Only!

745 Beal Parkway N, #5
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
(850) 864-4555
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Our fabric inventory is growing! Stop in and see our coastal prints, patriotic, and over 50 new bolts of Island Batiks!
Upcoming Events:
UFO Sip & Sew, Thursday, January 21 , 10:00 - 6:00 Registration
We've set a monthly day for you to work on unfinished projects! The third Thursday of each month - all day! We'll have coffee and tea, bring a snack if you like... More Info
We're making our Saturdays SEW-cial with four unique and informative programs! All SEW-cial Club programs will have 10 sessions - usually meeting on a Saturday each month. The first five lesson plans have been announced - check out the topic descriptions by linking to our calendar: Stitcher's Quest Calendar
And as if that's not already exciting enough...we're also starting a Table Topper of the Month Club! All are flexible - receive a discount for registering in advance, or come al la carte.
Lifestyles will usually meet the on fourth or last Friday of the month. This is the program to help you get the most out of your sewing machine and serger. Learn the techniques that will let you approach any new project with confidence! Participants will receive a CD of the lesson plan after each session. Annual membership ($80) includes all 10 sessions. Individual session participation is $10. See online calendar for topic schedule. First session is Saturday, February 27. Registration
Fearless lessons focus on machine embroidery techniques, stabilizers, embroidery placement and design collections. Overcome the fear of machine embroidery and enjoy embroidery success! Annual membership ($100) includes all 10 sessions. Individual session participation is $15. Participants receive a lesson CD that includes an embroidery design. See online calendar for topic schedule. First session is Saturday, January 23, at 10:30 a.m. Registration
These lessons will show how BERNINA Embroidery Software 7 can be incorporated into any embroidery project. Be inspired to create with software! annual membership ($100) includes all 10 sessions. Individual session participation is $12. Participants receive a lesson CD. First session is Saturday, January 30, at 10:30 a.m. Registration
These lessons will demonstrate simple DesignWorks Software techniques and lessons to inspire the use of the DsignWorks tools and help you find your favorite. Bernina DesignWorks is a software suite consisting of three modules that can be applied independently of each other. DesignWorks supports the personalized creative construction of patterns and forms as well as the editing of completed motifs and designs on your PC. The DesignWorks family includes the modules CutWork, PaintWork, and CrystalWork. These are video presentations only (no instructor). No membership registration fee. Lesson CD's are available to participants for $7. Session 2 is Saturday, February 2, at 10:30 a.m. Registration
Table Topper of the Month (TOM) Club
We're featuring 12 seasonal table toppers - one for each month of the year! This collection also has an optional companion CD for machine embroidery! Our fist kit release (Hugs & Kisses Table Topper) was January 16 and those kits are still available. Pick your month or register for the entire series. Registration for the year is only $20 and entitles a $5 discount on the kit price each month. Stop in and see the sample that Rhonda just completed! TOM Info - TOM Registration
Let's Have a Party! We now offer Birthday Party activities for ages 9 and older! Call or stop in for details.