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Happy Thanksgiving!

745 Beal Parkway N, #5 www.StitchersQuest.com
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
(850) 864-4555 November 20, 2015
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While Supplies Last....With your $50 qualifying purchase of Isacord Thread and/or OeSD branded stabilizers, you'll receive a FREE Design Collection CD, a retail value of $29.00!

Stitcher's Quest schedule for Thanksgiving Week: Open normal hours through Wednesday, November 25th. Closed Thanksgiving Day and through the weekend. We will reopen on Monday, November 30.

Upcoming Classes -
Class registrants receive a 10% discount on any supplies purchased for an upcoming class and on the day of class for additional fabric, thread, and stabilizers.

Fashion Wine Tote - Saturday, November 21, 10:00 - 2:00. Registration
Is wine on your giving list? Make it a memorable presentation with this creative Wine Tote! Amy will show you how easy it is to assemble this tote. This is also a great project for embellishment - pick up your supplies early so you can have your special touches ready by class day! $20 Includes pattern and hardware

Wrap It Up! Placemat or Table Runner - Monday, November 23, 10:00 - 2:00 Registration
Quilting has never been easier! Learn how to make a table runner or place mats with X-Blocks. Choice of day or evening class. $22 plus supplies

Have you ever struggled to find the right stabilizer for your embroidery projects? Vickie will talk about stabilizer applications and tricks. This is a workshop event and we'll have special pricing on products for workshop attendees. No machine needed. FREE

Fat Quarter Pop-Up Bag, Tuesday, December 8, 5:30 - 8:00 Registration
We've scheduled an evening time this great project class! The Pop-Up Bag is a really nifty and customizable gift idea. $21 plus supplies

Endless Embroidery - Friday, December 11, 10:00 - 1:00 Registration
Learn the techniques necessary for endless embroidery and stitch a beautiful pillowcase boarder! This class is designed for the 780, 790, and 8 Series BERNINA machines. $16 includes fabric and stabilizer for a pillowcase border.
Strip Tube Quilt - Tuesday, December 15, 10:00 - 4:00 Registration
Carolyn Tilburg will show you how to cut and assemble this fun quilt made from 2 1/2 inch strips. $21 plus supplies

Clutched - Saturday, January 9, 10:00 - 1:30 Registration
We had lots of fun with this in October and have another class planned for January! $26 plus supplies.

Cactus Flower Table Runner
A two-part class to learn the basics of paper piecing with template layout sheets - Let us know you want this class so we can get dates on the calendar. This is a 10-hour class and will require homework - we will schedule two sessions spaced 2 weeks apart. $52 plus supplies. This class will be scheduled soon, call to be put on our contact list.

We've set a monthly day for you to work on unfinished projects! The third Thursday of each month - all day More Info