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November is Creative!

745 Beal Parkway N, #5 www.StitchersQuest.com
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
(850) 864-4555 November 2, 2015
Every day is Christmas here! We've got a growing inventory of fabric, patterns, and fun classes. New this week: Purely Gates Mylar Embroidery Designs. VC has stitched a sample for us...come in and see how beautifully it turned out!

We have more fun classes planned! Plus a monthly Sip 'n Sew and FREE Webinars!
The November Accessory Special is the BERNINA Edgestitch Foot #10/10C/10D at 25% off! Now is the perfect time to add the Edgestitch Foot to your tool box! Offer is available through November 30, 2015 while supplies last. Watch the Video Tutorial Here

Stop by to see our Embroider Buddies! They are specially designed with removable pillows so they can be hooped and custom embroidered. These cuties will be difficult - maybe impossible - to reorder this year, so claim your favorite soon!

Watch a VIDEO on how to Embroider a Buddy.

Upcoming Classes

Wrap It Up - Placemats or Table Runner Registration
Tuesday, November 10, 10:00 or 5:30 (3 hours)
Quilting has never been easier! Learn how to make a table runner or place mats with X-Blocks. Choice of day or evening class. $22 plus supplies.

Fashion Wine Tote Registration
Thursday, November 12, 10:00 - 2:00
or Saturday, November 21, 10:00 - 2:00
Is wine on your giving list? Make it a memorable presentation with this creative Wine Tote! Amy will show you how easy it is to assemble this tote. This is also a great project for embellishment - pick up your supplies early so you can have your special touches ready by class day! $20-includes pattern and hardware.

Stitch Party! In the Hoop Towel Hanger Registration
Saturday, November 14, 10:00 - 1:00
Join us for fun, friendship, refreshment, and best of all - machine embroidery! Our first stitch party will feature an in-the-hoop towel hanger with a complimentary tea towel. Includes materials (except thread). Space is limited, so let us know if you will be coming! $20

Clutched Saturday, January 9, 10:00 - 1:30 Registration
We had lots of fun with this in October and have another class planned for January! $26 plus supplies.

Cactus Flower Table Runner Interest Form
A two-part class to learn the basics of paper piecing with template layout sheets - Let us know you want this class so we can get dates on the calendar. This is a 10-hour class and will require homework - we will schedule two sessions spaced 2 weeks apart. $52 plus supplies

Thursday, November 5, 10:00.