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We appreciate the enthusiasm of our customers for continued education and fellowship in our classes!
Please keep in mind that class instructors invest planning and preparation time as well as time on day of class. Most classes have a minimum registration requirement of 3 attendees so that we can compensate the instructor. Classes must be paid in advance because the instructor schedules her day around the appointment. Classes that do not reach minimum registration one week prior to start are subject to cancellation or rescheduling and registration fees will be refunded or credited to account.
Store credit will be issued when the enrollee cancels at least 48 hours prior to class start time only when minimum registration is still met and the store or instructor has not prepared class kits. Multi-day Events and any classes led by a guest instructor must be cancelled 14 days prior to the day the event begins. There will be no exceptions to this 2-week cancellation policy because of contract agreements with the instructor.
There are absolutely no refunds or compensation for no-shows.
We reserve the right to cancel classes as necessary, at which time a store credit or refund will be issued. Stitcher's Quest endeavors to notify students of a cancellation promptly. Class and event cancellation notification will be made by one or more of the following communications: text, phone (including voice mail), email. It is the attendee's responsibility to update Stitcher's Quest with their current contact information.
Classes that are FREE require advance reservation due to space limitations. Please be courteous and notify us in a timely manner if you will not be able to attend a class you have registered for so that your seat may be offered to another.